The agriculture, industry, and natural resources that are crucial to the area I represent are dependent upon a watershed that flows across two states, and decisions made by leaders far from home impact the quality and availability of water for my constituents. The Catawba- Wateree Water Management Group plays a vital role in making sure that those decisions are informed and fair.

Representative Randy Ligon SC House of Representatives

Although smaller than most, the Catawba-Wateree River Basin is the very life blood of the region, both from an environmental and economic standpoint. Nearly every aspect of our lives is directly tied to the health and vitality of the C-W, including safe drinking water, renewable resources (clean air, food, industry), and an aesthetic beauty for recreational uses which help drive the quality of life in the region.

Brett Hartis PHD Duke Energy

The Catawba-Wateree lake system is a gift to this region provided by a generation of visionary people who came before us. While the 11 lakes were built by Duke Energy’s predecessors to generate electricity, their use has expanded to also serve many additional regional needs. We all love this lake system and the Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group is the innovative organization cutting across business sectors to ensure the shared water supply remains reliable for generations to come. Duke Energy is very proud to be a member of the Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group.

Jeff Lineberger Vice-Chair