Catawba Wateree Water Management Group 2015 Annual Report

The Inaugural Water for All Summit
Presented by
the Catawba-Wateree Water
Management Group

October 10, 2017

Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group invited civic and utility leaders from across the country to attend the inaugural Water for All Summit on October 10. The Summit focused on initiating conversations across basin and municipal boundaries on the importance of our shared water supply.

Over 100 guests gathered to hear speakers from North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas present on multiple topics including how a sustainable water supply is critical to maintaining growth and economic success, how drought can impact policy and a deeper dive into the history of water policies in our region.

Keynote Speakers

Business and Economic Panel

  • Smoky Bissell, former Chairman and CEO of Bissell Companies
  • Hank Eisenga, Vice President of Giti Tire Manufacturing
  • Gary Salamido, VP of Governmental Affairs, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce
  • Tammy Whaley, Senior Economic Development Manager, Duke Energy

First annual summit takeaways included

  • Reliable, long-term water supply is critical to economic success
  • Water supply is a shared resource and needs collaborative planning and management
  • Availability and reliability of water supply is a part of economic development decisions
  • Water resources in NC are not regulated like they are in some states and are facing potential challenges
  • Many facets of our region are planned regionally (e.g., transportation, economic development, etc.) and so are water resources and your community needs to participate
  • The CWWMG is a river basin planning organization aimed at ensuring a reliable, long-term water supply and needs regional support
  • The Catawba-Wateree River Basin has its challenges, but the level of collaboration through the CWWMG and the CW-DMAG places the river basin’s shared water supply on a strong foundation

The Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group
would like to thank our members:

Belmont, Camden, Catawba River Water Treatment Plant (Union County/Lancaster County Water and Sewer District), Charlotte Water, Chester Metropolitan District, Duke Energy Carolinas, Gastonia(Two Rivers Utilities), Granite Falls, Hickory, Lenoir, Lincoln County, Long View, Lugoff-Elgin Water Authority, Mooresville, Morganton, Mount Holly, Rock Hill, Statesville, Valdese